
The Faithwalk has commenced. What’s a Faithwalk? A walk that shows one’s faith. Particularly, my walk and hopefully readers will share their walk,too. This walk will take us through the valley, across hills, and atop mountains. There will be some winding roads on the journey; I’m sure.

Why did I start Faithwalk? Well, my faith as God’s child is consistently challenged as a writer, a mother, a daughter, a friend, an ex-wife, and as a follower of Christ. The rule for writers is to have a platform with followers: a blog, Facebook,Twitter, website, Linked in– you get the idea. And I thought:no way I can achieve this. If I need a platform with followers, my writing stint is downhill. When my marriage was over–physically, emotionally and spiritually, I thought:I’m on my own, it’s just me. There’s no way I’m entering the dating scene. And then, as I continue to trust this God who says He will never leave nor forsake me, my eldest daughter decides my place is not her home. Ouch, ouch ouch. You don’t wanna know what I thought. My faith continued on a tightrope in the valley.

Simultaneously, during my private devotion, or when talking with others, God spoke: Nothing is impossible for God; Don’t be afraid to fail; Don’t let past failures keep you from future successes; God wants to give you new dreams that are bigger than anything that has ever happened to you in the past.

So, I invite you on this Faithwalk, which my mother says may not interest others but could be healing for me. First, I should no better than to share work with my mother. Then again, if it’s a healing place for me, then I pray it’s a healing place for you. I’m really not in much pain, just the ordinary storms of life that whip and whirl me around, yet does not steal my joy or my peace. I plan to share FaithWalk@angchronicles through excerpts from my novel and play, poetry monologues, journaling pages, and essays. Please post comments, or if you’d like guest blog a post.

Well here goes…